Sunbeams Toddler Group

 Sunbeams Toddler Group 
Sunbeams are not meeting during the school holidays but look forward to seeing you again Friday September 6th - enjoy the holidays!

Fridays  - 9.30 - 11.15 a.m.

If any changes have to be made, information will be on Bath Road Website and Bath Road Facebook Page.

We meet on Fridays mornings from 9:30am-11.15am during school term time.  Access is via the pair of large wooden doors at the side of the church.  It's £2 per child per session.

Ours is a fab lively and engaging toddler group.  Sunbeams welcomes children from babies to pre-schoolers (right up to when they start school), and of course parents, grandparents or carers.

The adults can enjoy a cuppa and biscuit before exploring the two rooms of toys with their children.  We put on a craft activity and toward the end of the session enjoy singing together.

 You are welcome to come along whenever you like - it would be great to see you.

Child at sunbeams

Contact: Gwen Knight - 01793 343326